Entertainment is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience, or gives pleasure and delight. It can be an idea or a task, but is more likely to be one of the activities or events that have developed over thousands of years specifically for the purpose of keeping an audience's attention.[1] Although people's attention is held by different things, because individuals have different preferences in entertainment, most forms are recognisable and familiar. Storytelling, music, drama, dance, and different kinds of performance exist in all cultures, were supported in royal courts, developed into sophisticated forms and over time became available to all citizens. The process has been accelerated in modern times by an entertainment industry which records and sells entertainment products. Entertainment evolves and can be adapted to suit any scale, ranging from an individual who chooses a private entertainment from a now enormous array of pre-recorded products; to a banquet adapted for two; to any size or type of party, with appropriate music and dance; to performances intended for thousands; and even for a global audience.
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Outlaw King: The Historic Hype Is Real
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Added 2,481 Views / 0 Likesa.k.a. "Good" Sir James or "Dual-wield" Douglas! I made a 24 minute long video, but after about 13 attempts at shortening to avoid getting it blocked, this is what I was allowed... Cheers!
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Crimes Against Medieval Realism: Outlaw King NETFLIX Trailer
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