A selection of history videos
25:11 Popular
Ancient Warriors - Episode 12: The Highlanders (History Documentary)
Added 2,047 Views / 0 LikesAncient Warriors - Episode 12: The Highlanders (History Documentary) This Ancient Warriors series from the Discovery Channel is an excellent look at the warrior groups and armies that shaped history. Each half-hour episode looks at a major fighting people
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31:59 Popular
Ancient Warriors Episode 02: The Celts (History Documentary)
Added 1,904 Views / 0 LikesClick here to enjoy more videos: http://cinematag.com http://documentary.googleusd.com Ancient Warriors - Episode 02: The Celts (History Documentary) This Ancient Warriors series from the Discovery Channel is an excellent look at the warrior . More tea? F
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1:10:30 Popular
Added 1,885 Views / 0 LikesANCIENT SCOTLAND - EPISODE 2 (AMAZING PREHISTOIC HISTORY DOCUMENTARY) This is the story of Scotland before history. Beginning 10,000 years ago, it is a beautifully shot record of our prehistory, taking in the spectacular monuments on Orkney and the Isle o
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1:29:46 Popular
Play For Today The Cheviot The Stag And The Black Black Oil
Added 1,793 Views / 0 LikesThe 7-84 Touring Theatre Company presents its live stage play to the people of South and North Uist, Benbecula and Lewis. The stage play is mixed with filmed reconstructions of documented events in the Highland Clearances, darkly humorous songs and sketch
54:44 Popular
Prehistoric Orkney (A History Of Ancient Britain) - Ness Of Brodgar (Skara Brae)
Added 1,415 Views / 0 LikesThis documentary investigates the discovery of a 5,000-year-old temple in Orkney. Built 500 years before Stonehenge, the temple has triggered new thoughts about the beliefs of Neolithic people, turning the map of ancient Britain upside down. Prehistoric O
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45:03 Popular
Added 1,409 Views / 0 LikesSCOTLAND CLANS - ROBERTSON (AMAZING ANCIENT HISTORY DOCUMENTARY) The highlands and islands of Scotland have been shaped by centuries . SCOTLAND CLANS - MACLEAN (AMAZING ANCIENT HISTORY DOCUMENTARY) The highlands and islands of Scotland have been shaped by
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1:30:08 Popular
Battle Of Kings: Bannockburn (2014) Full Documentary
Added 1,268 Views / 0 LikesFeatured -
07:54 Popular
Islands Of Scotland - The Shetland Islands (1/3)
Added 1,203 Views / 0 Likes4) The Shetland Islands The Shetland Islands comprisies more than a hundred islands, just 15 of them inhabited, span the hundred miles (145km) between Fair Isle and Out Stack, the northernmost point of Britain. This bustling archipelago of 22,500 people b
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14:47 Popular
Who Would Be Jacobite King Of The UK Today?
Added 1,179 Views / 0 LikesDownload the chart for free here: https://usefulcharts.com/blogs/charts/jacobite-stuart-succession Full Scottish monarchy family tree: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5k1eItd-_k Full English/British monarchy family tree: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i
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06:38 Popular
The Selkirk Settlers; Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl Of Selkirk
Added 1,131 Views / 0 LikesIn the 18th century, Thomas Douglas, fifth Earl of Selkirk, became the unexpected support for displaced families who were evicted from their homes in Scotland during the period known as "The Highland Clearances." Through his determination and their courag