Sport & Recreation
04:37 Popular
Cunninghame Ramblers: Loudoun Hill 120817
Added 510 Views / 0 Likes18 Cunninghame Ramblers made their way to Darvel to do a 10 mile 'B+' walk out to Loudoun Hill, up it and back along a disused railway line. The weather was fine after a short shower at the start of the walk. 11 made the ascent up to the trig point on top
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09:54 Popular
Curlew Goes To Scotland
Added 532 Views / 0 LikesA few days cruising in Scotland and a passage from Linnhe Marina near Appin to Oban (overnight) and return. Spring 2015.
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04:38 Popular
Cycle Loch Katrine - ☑ Check
Added 627 Views / 0 LikesA wee video of our tip up to Loch Katrine on 21 July 2013 Music - Paradise by Coldplay
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03:06 Popular
Cycling In Yell, Shetland, August 2011
Added 690 Views / 0 LikesThis is a perfect advertisement for cycling in Shetland and cycle touring in general....don't be fooled...this was a rare moment out of the wind and while the midgies can't bite when you're moving....when you stop there's no escape! I don't recommend film
1:39:35 Popular
Cycling Loch Katrine
Added 604 Views / 0 LikesSlow TV for bikes. This is almost unedited footage of my cycle along Loch Katrine. So I show all the dull bits! It may be useful for some especially as this is a private road and can't be seen in Google Street View. Recorded on 14th March 2016
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01:02 Popular
Cycling To The Yell Ferry In Shetland
Added 639 Views / 0 LikesCycling to catch the ferry between Yell and Mainland Shetland
03:38 Popular
Danny MacAskill
Added 725 Views / 0 LikesA series of Amazing stunts and tricks by Danny MacAskill and his team to take your breath away
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07:43 Popular
Danny MacAskill -
Added 715 Views / 0 LikesSee Danny's new video first, check out: Tailwhip it over to for more biking! Way Back Home is the incredible new riding clip from Danny MacAskill, it follows him on a journey from Edinburgh back to his hometown
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07:01 Popular
Danny MacAskill - Drop And Roll Tour | Alpe Adria Trail | Turismo FVG
Added 576 Views / 0 LikesDuring the Drop and Roll Tour, Danny MacAskill and his team visited some of the highlights along the Alpe Adria Trail, a path designed exclusively for hikers and not accessible by bikes. The team had to be incredibly creative and ride whatever they could
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10:33 Popular
Danny MacAskill - Epecuén - 2014
Added 668 Views / 0 LikesCLICK to explore the town of Epecuén with Danny: Watch as Danny MacAskill brings a forgotten city back to life with his latest street trials film. Following on from 2013's mind-blowing 'MacAskill's Imaginate', Epecuén is the latest f
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04:57 Popular
Danny Macaskill - Industrial Revolutions
Added 623 Views / 0 LikesIndustrial Revolutions is the amazing new film from street trials riding star Danny Macaskill. Filmed and edited for Channel 4 's documentary Concrete Circus by Stu Thomson from Industrial Revolutions sees Danny take his incredible
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02:01 Popular
Danny Macaskill @ Sauchiehall Street Glasgow 03/07/15
Added 631 Views / 0 LikesJust chilling eating a sandwich and who comes along... the stuntman himself!!