ETAG Technology Conference 2015: Colan Mehaffey & Stewart Cruickshank
Aligning strategic business vision to user-centred design:
Case Study - delivering the Battle of Bannockburn Experience online.
Colan Mehaffey, Head of Digital Media, National Trust for Scotland
Colan has more than a decade of digital experience, entering the industry in content production and editing roles for a variety of Government and not-for-profit clients, before joining the National Trust for Scotland.
In producing and delivering the Trust’s Digital Strategy, he has managed award-winning projects across multiple platforms and overseen transformational e-commerce growth in areas including event & visitor ticketing, membership products and holiday accommodation.
Stewart has over 15 years’ experience in the digital industry. At Storm ID, Stewart provides strategic advice and consultancy in order to support organisations across a range of industry sectors to conceive, develop, manage and optimise their digital services.
Storm ID are an Edinburgh based user experience and digital technology consultancy Project Management, User Experience Design, Technical Development and Digital Marketing & Analytics.