Scotland The Brave (Bagpipes)
"Scotland the Brave" (Scottish Gaelic: Alba an Aigh) is a patriotic song and one of the main contenders to be considered as a national anthem of Scotland. In June 2006, the song came second to Flower of Scotland in an online poll with more than 10,000 votes to determine the nation's favourite unofficial "anthem". The song is used to represent Scotland in the Commonwealth Games.
Scotland the Brave is also the authorised pipe band march of The British Columbia Dragoons of the Canadian Forces and is played during the Pass in Review at Friday parades at The Citadel. In 2006, it was adopted as the regimental quick march of the Royal Regiment of Scotland.
Scotland the Brave (in schottischem Gälisch Alba an Aigh) ist neben "Flower of Scotland" und "Scots Wha Hae" eine der drei inoffiziellen Nationalhymnen Schottlands. Sie wird als schottische Nationalhymne bei den Commonwealth Games verwendet.
Des weiteren ist sie der autorisierte Pipe Band-Marsch der The British Columbia Dragoons der Kanadischen Streitkräfte und wird während der "Pass in Review" bei Freitagsparaden an der Militärschule "The Citadel" gespielt.
2006 wurde es als schneller Regimentsmarsch des Royal Regiment of Scotland eingeführt.
Scotland the Brave (Alba an Aigh en gaélique écossais) est, avec The Flower of Scotland, l'hymne national écossais.
Scotland the Brave (en gaélico escocés, Alba an Aigh) es una canción patriótica escocesa, y una de las candidatas para ser el himno nacional de Escocia. En junio de 2006, en una encuesta en internet organizada por la Royal Scottish National Orchestra, esta canción quedó segunda, sólo por detrás de Flower of Scotland, como favorita para convertirse en himno oficial. De hecho, Scotland the Brave ya se utiliza para representar a Escocia en los Juegos de la Commonwealth.
«Scotland the Brave» (шотл.(гэльс.): Alba an Aigh) патриотическая песня народа Шотландии; претендует на звание неофициального гимна Шотландии.
Scotland the Brave è considerato uno degli inni non ufficiali della Scozia.
Scotland The Brave is een van drie onofficiële volksliederen van Schotland. De andere zijn Flower of Scotland en Scots Wha Hae.
Scotland the Brave é um dos hinos não-oficiais da Escócia junto com Scots Wha Hae e Flower of Scotland. Geralmente é executada como uma marcha binária 4/4.
Scotland the Brave (Skotsk-gælisk: Alba an Aigh) regnes som en av skottenes nasjonalsanger, og blir blant annet benyttet som nasjonalhymne ved Samveldelekene. I likhet med England har heller ikke Skottland noen offisiell nasjonalsang, men Scotland the Brave benyttes tradisjonelt som nasjonens sang - ofte sammen med Flower of Scotland. Teksten er skrevet ca. 1950 av journalisten Clifford Leonard Clark Hanley (1922 - 1999).
Scotland the Brave, skotsk sång som brukar framföras på säckpipa.
Sången brukar anses som skottlands nationalsång.
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