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Scotland's Highland Clearances-Big Chieftain McCraa Tinkler-Gypsy Jew Racial/cultural Genocide

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When Scotland Was Jewish - customer book review - "The 'big lie' (as my people called it) was introducing sheep into the cleared regions as a sound economic move. It was an excuse to clear the land of Jews and Gypsies with their Sinclair (tincaird) culture and language; much of it disguised in the langauge of Eden (Gaelic). Scotland to this day has a strong Jewish connection which can be found in most skills and 'smiths.' It is also safe to say that most of Europe and the UK would witness a strong Semitic infuence in most towns and cities throughout time. On another point when the Romans discovered tin around Cornwall over two thousand years ago they named the area Dan Mines.Tinsmiths in those days would no doubt have been important weaponers. Their handiwork can be seen in archeology finds as short double edged swords and pikes. Jewellery begins with 'jew' and that is because they invented such adornments and had skills in precious stones and metals. Pearls fishing came from the warm waters of the Med. These skilled fishers would emerge in both Scottish and Irish Travellers and introduced to the UK by the Romans. There is much to celebrate both the Scottish Gypsy and Jew of old so thank you Dr. Hirschman and Dr Yates for all your hard work in compiling this book; maps, DNA evidence, place names and lots more info which had me mulling over the book into the wee small hours. I know this work would be an asset in schools and universities. I look forward to paper back version, cheaper and available to a wider public. Seriously need to know our history.great read!!" http://www.amazon.co.uk/When-Scotland-Was-Jewi…/…/0786477091

"And those listening were left with little doubt that members saw the highland clearances as one of racist genocide:
there is no doubt that they happened and that they led to the destruction of the Highlands that Boswell and Johnson saw in their celebrated tour of the Hebrides. At the time of their visit to the north, that process was already in hand, but the clearances were responsible for its completion. … In other countries, the genocide and ethnic cleansing that has taken place, against the Indians in America and the Aborigines in Australia, was acknowledged long ago. Today, the time to acknowledge what happened to those who were cleared from the Highlands has come. (Fergus Ewing (SNP)) http://scottishsceptic.co.uk/2014/01/16/the-truth-about-the-highland-clearances/

Hebridean Islanders with black, brown and fair complexions before the Highland clearances.
Description of the Western Islands of Scotland
Evidence from archaeology, language and tradition shows an original very widely spread race in the Highlands, and Scotland generally, prior to the advent of Picts, Gaels and Norsemen. These pre-Celts have left their remains in barrows and megalithic monuments, weapons and utensils, and it is not difficult to this day, in some of the remoter parts, to recognise by headmark, people possessing their physical characteristics —– slight build, swarthy complexion, comely features.————-THE WESTERN ISLANDS Of Scotland (CIRCA 1695) By Martin Martin, Gent – INTRODUCTION BY DONALD J. MACLEOD
The Complexion of the Islanders of The Isle of Skye:
The inhabitants of this isle are generally well proportioned, and their complexion is for the most part **black**They are not obliged to art in forming their bodies, for nature never fails to act her part bountifully to them; and perhaps there is no part of the habitable globe where so few bodily imperfections are to be seen, nor any children that go more early—————-Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, p. 194
Description of the Western Islands of Scotland Martin Martin p 223
**The inhabitants of this isle are well proportioned, generally brown, and some of a black complexion.**They enjoy a good state of health, and have a genius for all callings or employments, though they have but few mechanics. They wear the same habit with those of the nearest isles, and are very civil. They all speak the Irish language, yet the English tongue prevails on the east side, and ordinarily the ministers preach in it, and in Irish on the west side. Their ordinary asseveration is by Nale, for I did not hear any oath in the island.————Description of the Western Islands of Scotland Martin Martin p 224

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