Scottish Borders Youth For Yes
A short film explaining why young people in the Scottish Borders are voting Yes.
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Directed by Christina Hendry
Video by Robert Scott (
Audio by Corin Anderson
Music - 'Theme for the Early Days of a Better Nation' (CoriAnder cover)
Original song written by Matt Seattle and David Finnie
Cover performed and produced by CoriAnder
In order of appearance:
Ailsa Nairn, 16
Keith Rae, 17
Ellie Barrie, 18
Samantha Gibson, 18
James Jobson, 17
Ali Hay, 26
Janie Orr, 22
Neil Heatlie, 17
Christopher McCall, 16
Alexander Cowan, 16
Scott Blair, 17
Special thanks to Fraser Knight and Alan Scott
Promoted by Yes Hawick, Howegate, Hawick, TD9 0AA
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