Search Results: "Atholl Highlanders"
02:56 Popular
Atholl Highlanders Pipe Band Playing Atholl Highlanders - Blair Castle May 2013
Added 690 Views / 0 LikesAtholl Highlanders Pipe Band playing the classic 6/8 March 'Atholl Highlanders' at the Highlanders' Ball in the Great Room of Blair Castle - May 2013.
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11:04 Popular
Atholl Highlanders Parade, Blair Castle, Scotland
Added 672 Views / 0 LikesEurope's only legal Private Army, the Atholl Highlanders on parade at Blair Castle with their Commander in Chief the Duke of Atholl. For more
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01:35 Popular
Band Of The Atholl Highlanders - The Atholl Highlanders
Added 724 Views / 0 LikesThe Atholl Highlanders is a Scottish infantry regiment. Based in Blair Atholl, the regiment is not part of the British Army. Instead, the regiment is in the private employ of the Duke of Atholl, making it the United Kingdom's, and indeed Europe's, only le
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02:55 Popular
The Atholl Highlanders - Fiddle Tune A Day - Day 299
Added 641 Views / 0 LikesSignup for Vi Wickam's Fiddle Tune a Day: http://www, I didn't have a specific tune in mind for today, so I went to my list of requested tunes, and came across the Atholl Highlanders. I didn't really have an idea of what the tune sounded l
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04:25 Popular
Atholl Highlanders, 6/8 March - A Bagpipe Lesson By Pipe Major Bill Robertson
Added 814 Views / 0 Likes This is a bagpipe lesson for Atholl Highlanders. This is a tune that I used to play regulary as a young lad in the Boys Brigade. If you would like to comment on this tune or ask a queation please us
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04:05 Popular
Atholl Highlanders / Bugle Horn / The High Road To Linton /
Added 589 Views / 0 LikesAtholl Highlanders / Bugle Horn / The High Road To Linton / Piper O'Drummond / Kate Dalrymple / Jock Wilson's Ball / Glendaruel Highlanders Splendour of the Pipes - In Concert With The Massed Pipes & Drums Track 4 Traditional Scottish Bagpipes The tracks
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02:59 Popular
Bagpipes~Argyll Sutherland Highlanders~Johnnie Cope~Atholl Highlanders.
Added 790 Views / 0 LikesA view of the Scottish country taken from across Scotland. Accompanied by the music of The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders playing Johnnie Cope & The Atholl Highlanders.Many of the photo's were taken by friends. I hope you enjoy viewing !
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03:19 Popular
Atholl Highlanders - Glasgow Fiddle Workshop Slow Session
Added 633 Views / 0 Likes4 part pipe jig played up to speed then slowly
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06:02 Popular
Atholl Highlanders/Jig Of Slurs
Added 628 Views / 0 LikesCollectively known as "Kelly," (from left to right) Mike Dugger, Dave Agee, Julian Lambertson, Kelly Dougherty, Kaylee Thomas and Gordon Bearss perform at the Kansas City Scottish Highland Games Silent Auction on Saturday, February 20, 2010 in Kansas City
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03:58 Popular
CELTICA: Atholl Highlanders Live In Arizona
Added 570 Views / 0 LikesCELTICA, the new project of Gajus Stappen, producer and guitarist, perform Atholl Highlanders in Arizona: in the cactus desert around Phoenix, at Grand Canyon and in Monument Valley. Hot bagpipe rock, cool locations and a band that obviesly enjoys to rrro
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02:13 Popular
The Atholl Highlanders, For Pipefest Stirling 2014
Added 615 Views / 0 Likes4 parted traditional 6/8, instructional