Search Results: "Isle of Lewis"
03:11 Popular
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01:47 Popular
Gaelic Song From The Isle Of Lewis - An Sgoth 1994
Added 723 Views / 0 LikesThe Sgoth ("An Sgoth Niseach" in Gaelic) is a traditional fishing skiff with a dipping-lug rig and a lateen sail. It is particularly associated with the district of Ness on the island of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. The Sgoth is a large open b
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2:10:16 Popular
The Game Of Kings: Medieval Ivory Chessmen From The Isle Of Lewis
Added 911 Views / 0 LikesDiscover what the Isle of Lewis chessmen can tell us about the development of chess as both a game and an art form. Introduction by exhibition curator Barbara Drake Boehm, Department of Medieval Art and The Cloisters, MMA. Presented with the exhibition Th
02:43 Popular
Eilidh Mackenzie From The Isle Of Lewis At Emigrants Statue, Helmsdale
Added 687 Views / 0 LikesEilidh Mackenzie frm the Isle of Lweis sang "Teannaibh dluth is togaibh fonn" at the unveiling by First Minister alex Salmond MSP of the Emigrants Statue at Helmsdale. The statue commemorates the people of the Highlands and Islands who left their homeland
05:18 Popular
Isle Of Lewis Chessmen - 900 Year Old Gaming Pieces
Added 630 Views / 0 LikesShowcasing the Lewis chessmen, dated to 12th century. One motivation for uploading this is the many replica sets advertised for sale as 'authentic' and 'premium' etc, when they are in fact anything but.
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11:35 Popular
Book Review: 1453, And The Isle Of Lewis Chessmen
Added 638 Views / 0 LikesBook Review and the Isle of Lewis Chessmen.
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06:43 Popular
Gaelic Song From The Isle Of Lewis - Thainig Na Meirlich Anns An Oidhche
Added 673 Views / 0 LikesThis song was written after watching the John Pilger documentary "Stealing a nation." The programme (which you can find on-line) is about the forced expulsion of the people of Diego Garcia by the British Government in the 1960s and 70s to make way for an
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03:36 Popular
Isle Of Lewis Part 1 - Casadh An TSúgáin
Added 562 Views / 0 LikesGearrannan Blackhouse Village Stornoway Dun Carloway
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05:59 Popular
Isle Of Lewis & Harris 17-19.07.2015
Added 599 Views / 0 LikesIsle of Harris & Lewis to wyspy leżące na zachodzie Szkocji wchodzące w skład archipelagu Hebrydów Zewnętrznych. Wyspy te słyną z surowego klimatu oraz przepięknych, piaszczystych plaż. Aby dostać się w to miejsce należy pokonać długą drogę z Glasgow aż d
03:56 Popular
Island Express Stornoway,Isle Of Lewis 1987
Added 850 Views / 0 LikesIsland Express Stornoway Reformed for one gig 1987. Island Express 1978-1981 Calum Martin,Philip Murray,Calum J Macleod,Dolan Morrison. Not forgetting, Engineer:Ian Dan Martin
00:47 Popular
Gearrannan Blackhouse Village, Isle Of Lewis, Scotland
Added 636 Views / 0 LikesThis is a unique group of restored thatched cottages located near to Carloway. Visitors are afforded a trip into the19th century way of life including traditional activities such as weaving Harris Tweed. it is possible to rent some of these houses for hol